wewt frontpage
awesome game man! and a frontpage nicely done!
wewt frontpage
awesome game man! and a frontpage nicely done!
Thanks a lot smith, I have some questions about a few things you did on your site, I'll PM you on FGL about it. Anyway, thanks for the review and the kind words, we appreciate it.
That was extremely well done, art-wise, plot, idea of the whole game, and I especially liked the voice acting. One of the largest, most well done game I have seen. It's still under judgement but I have no doubt it will be in the top 10 newground's list.
Games don't last long on the Top 50, so it's got a run on front page to get what it can before it's lost to oblivion. Here's to hoping!
Yay you released it! It did really good score wise, congrats. I think it will be front paged.
I saw on the review below you said youve never been front page'd. Well Im 90% confident this will get on the front. It has all the elements. Addictiveness, good music, fun and simple.
So here is a future congratulations on your first front paged game.
Ps: getting on the front feels GREAT.
You've been on the frontpage?! Nice. Well thanks for your confidence, its really appreciated! Now won't you feel silly if its the other 10% and it doesn't make it to frontpage... I hope you're right. Thanks again for the vote.
very fun
Very nice game you have there, it's score should be MUCH higher.
Thanks, I'm hoping that it will get higher
good job
Good job on your game! I liked it :) Even though I died pretty easy. The art style you had was probably my favorite, and the game play was nice. Uhmm as for my tip, maybe some break or a pause button so you can buy upgrades. It was a little difficult to buy things as enemies came rushin in at me.
But overall nice work. 4/5, and 5/5 if there was a pause button.
I had the game tested by a few people, they too suggested a pause button. I chose not to put one in because I felt that it would be cheating. However, the game does pause after a save, load or at the end of a wave.
Very good job.
Great job coolio, I enjoyed this very much, you did justice to dance dance revolution. The music was superb, the gameplay was nice and smooth and like most of your games it got me moving. 5/5 for sure.
I love to hear fellow flash game creators input on my games =) Glad you enjoyed it smith =)
Joined on 7/12/07